Flat Pack Field Shelters For Sale
Exterior walls are clad in 19mm pressure treated shiplap on 75mm x 47mm softwood framework sources from FSC certified sources. The shelters are lined internally to 1220mm with clad in 12mm hardwood structural ply kickboarding. An option of lining to eaves height is offered. Various overhangs are available as are a range of roof cladding options.
Planning permission is generally not required for mobile field shelters although clients should contact their local council for specific advice relevant to their area. Should planning permission be required our surveyor can provide an optional planning application management service.
Interested parties should contact a member of our experienced team for informal advice and a detailed quotation.
Our range of flat pack field shelters are manufactured to a high specification and delivered for client assembly. Depending on the size and weight of the unit they can be fitted to a sled, allowing them to be towed and easily relocated when required.
We offer a range of high-quality field shelters that are generally used for horses, donkeys and small animals including goats and sheep. Our manufacturing process ensures that our field shelters are extremely durable, given regular care they have a long life and provide real value for money.
Ashcraft have unrivalled expertise in this sector, we guarantee only the best materials and first-class workmanship.
Read more about our three specification ranges:
Contact a member of our friendly team to have any questions answered or to receive a quote.